Complete the following Objectives provided by eesee to participate in this mission
This mission does not require you to complete any objectives to participate.
It's happening, our Mainnet is officially launched. To celebrate it, we're giving everyone an opportunity to make farming on eesee much easier with an exclusive NFT on MVHQ!
Hurry up to complete the mission and claim the 25% points multiplier, you only have time to farm points until the 8th of April!
Disclaimer: If this is a raffle-based Mission, entry does not guarantee a win. Entrants who don't complete the required tasks in their entirety will be disqualified. For mint-based raffles, minting more than one NFT will not increase the chances of winning the raffle. Winners may not be notified outside of the "You have won the raffle" banner after this Mission is complete. It may take a few days after the Mission is complete to draw raffle winners and update the banner message displaying a win or a loss. It will also take time between announcing winners and delivering the winning benefit. Be sure to keep up with the project's social media channels for important updates to best utilize your winning benefit.