Complete the following Objectives provided by Pizza Pets to participate in this mission
This mission does not require you to complete any objectives to participate.
The first FULLY on-chain Tamagotchi-style game on Bitcoin. Brought to you by the teams behind Pizza Ninjas and MegaPunks.
It is an immortal game that can only be played once, with its outcome eternally recorded.
Bleeding Edge Tech
No custom indexer or off-chain dependencies
Novel feature added to the Ordinals protocol
Game Details
There will be up to 6 stages of evolution to transform your Pizza Pets
10+ Pet types
Risk/Reward feeding system
Feeding System
You must take care of your pet, feed it, & make strategic decisions to survive. Pets that live to the end become "Immortals."
Your pets will have deteriorating health; keeping them healthy is your job. There will be consumables that can give you a competitive edge but come at a cost to your pets. you may find yourself feeding your pets Ketamine ☮️, LSD 🌈, Milk 🥛, etc.
More details coming soon 🍕
Disclaimer: If this is a raffle-based Mission, entry does not guarantee a win. Entrants who don't complete the required tasks in their entirety will be disqualified. For mint-based raffles, minting more than one NFT will not increase the chances of winning the raffle. Winners may not be notified outside of the "You have won the raffle" banner after this Mission is complete. It may take a few days after the Mission is complete to draw raffle winners and update the banner message displaying a win or a loss. It will also take time between announcing winners and delivering the winning benefit. Be sure to keep up with the project's social media channels for important updates to best utilize your winning benefit.